姓名/机构名 来自 签名时间 |
吴... 云南 2012-06-24,00:21:20
尊重生命! |
孙... 辽宁 2012-06-24,00:18:16
敬畏生命,爱护动物 |
Gat... 福建 2012-06-24,00:17:57
小... 吉林 2012-06-24,00:15:31
万物平等 敬畏生命 |
邬... 上海 2012-06-24,00:14:44
尊重生命!善待任何生命 |
徐... 上海 2012-06-24,00:12:46
秦... 河南 2012-06-24,00:09:42
周... 内蒙古 2012-06-24,00:09:01
地球是我家,坏境保护靠大家。总有一天实验的动物都死光光了,打算那什么实验?人啊。还是你自己?· |
Aur... 上海 2012-06-24,00:07:35
生命是平等的,尊重生命也是尊重我们人类本身。动物对我们来说已不简简单单是依附品,我们一起共享这个世界。用动物进行无必要的实验实属残忍!他们也是有感情有血肉之躯的,请善待他们!!! |
姚... 北京 2012-06-24,00:06:29
生命是平等的!人类不应该 总是欺凌比自己弱小的动物!看着动物一双双清澈的眼眸 人类怎能忍心对它们下次狠手! |
欧... 云南 2012-06-23,23:57:16
动物和人类一样有生命 并不能因为种类不同就违背动物意愿用来实验 我们可以进一步研发科技技术 找到一种更安全更人性化的技术来代替用动物进行实验 试想一下 你愿意去用自己的身体进行实验么 |
张... 山东 2012-06-23,23:48:24
动物和人类一样有生命 并不能因为种类不同就违背动物意愿用来实验 我们可以进一步研发科技技术 找到一种更安全更人性化的技术来代替用动物进行实验 试想一下 你愿意去用自己的身体进行实验么 |
Hor... 北京 2012-06-23,23:47:54
众生平等!!没有非要经过动物实验的产品人类才能用,请停止这些没有意义的杀害!!有轮回有报应,下一个就是你们!! |
Sim... 北京 2012-06-23,18:41:32
保护动物就是保护地球 拯救动物就是拯救我们自己的心灵 |
远... 北京 2012-06-22,00:28:45
请停止残忍动物实验 |
贺... 上海 2012-06-15,01:07:38
只有尊重生命的才配的上称之为“人” |
zit... 台湾 2012-06-14,06:56:58
滥用动物实验影响社会和谐!!! |
张... 未知 2012-06-10,19:09:26
祈愿人类与动物芳邻能和平共处!平等共存! |
陈... 上海 2012-06-07,23:05:19
抵制惨无人道的动物实验!还动物一个安定没有伤害的世界! |
福... 福建 2012-06-05,18:42:21
支持立刻停止各种动物实验,这种反人道、野蛮、极度自私自利的行为! |
reb... 其他 2012-06-05,11:33:45
生而为老鼠,不是他们的愿。即便‘龌龊’如老鼠,也有生存与被爱的权利。他们也是地球的居民。为什么‘万物之灵’的人不懂得和谐共荣的道理,为了一己私心一定要用对立的思维方式处理问题?! |
以... 浙江 2012-06-05,03:43:34
请善待生命,所有生命都要得到尊重 |
寒... 广西 2012-06-04,11:10:13
停止不必要的实验! 学会尊重生命的时候你们才会被人尊重! |
Mic... 其他 2012-06-03,22:53:41
Strongly against animal abuse. What is it like if YOU are the one to be cut open? Please have a little sympthy towards our animal friends. |
Gra... 北京 2012-06-03,20:04:25
Olg... 广东 2012-06-02,21:12:47
反对残忍教育!!!复旦大学,别丢脸了!!! |
Sav... 其他 2012-06-01,17:38:53
We are the Saving Animals Worldwide Foundation, located in America. Please stop animal cruelty! Animals have the same right as us to live on this earth. How to treat animals exhibits moral standard of the school. A school should be the pioneer of righteousness of a society, and a good breeding ground for the next generation. The school should not be the place teaching animal cruelty and how to slaughter innocent lives. In a statistic conducted in America, over 95% serial killers abused animals in their childhood. So do you want to create next generation of monsters????? Please think about it.
Ray... 其他 2012-05-31,12:07:01
I am shocked to learn that students are cutting open animals for no other reason then to see the organs of these poor animals, what especially disturbing is these students are not studying medicine. This is disgraceful cruel and should not be allowed. THIS MUST BE STOPED
She... 其他 2012-05-31,10:32:24
May I ask have anything bad happened to your life? If not, it will and to your family and offsprings also. It's called punishment! It's the law of universe that bad deeds will be punished and good deeds will be rewarded. STOP ANIMAL CRUETY!!!
Qiy... 北京 2012-05-31,07:57:07
Ser... 其他 2012-05-31,03:32:20
Please stop harming our animal friends! |
李... 北京 2012-05-30,21:31:04
高等学府,教出来的都是滥杀无辜,不尊重生命的高才生,不知道社会以后会变成什么样子。 |
黄... 北京 2012-05-30,20:20:46
张... 上海 2012-05-30,19:40:35
陈... 广东 2012-05-30,19:07:51
反对滥用实验动物,生命都值得尊重,请停止恶行!! |
Cha... 其他 2012-05-30,12:43:15
When you disregard the pain of animals, it shows not only your moral standard, but deep down the essence of you. If you only care about yourself, you’d better be kind to our animal friends because when the judgment day falls upon you, you will have to pay what you did to these poor animals, which means to be tortured in HELL. I am afraid there is GOD, who will judge our action, and there is hell for those who are wicked. Please go to Google “Life after death experience” You will find this out from many people’s tearful testimonials. |
梅... 湖北 2012-05-30,02:01:36
关爱动物,就是关爱人类自己。。 |
于... 天津 2012-05-30,01:07:02
请尽力减少不必要的杀害!!! |
戎... 未知 2012-05-29,18:49:57
心情很沉重。做学生的时候,也参与过这种无谓的杀戮。以前是无知,现在知道了,这种无谓的杀戮必须停止。因为我们必定会为愚昧、漠视生命付出沉重代价的。 |
范... 上海 2012-05-29,18:34:47
请避免不必要的动物实验,严禁滥用动物实验 |